Travel with us to Cuba this December!

From Friday, Dec. 13 to Sunday, Dec. 22, we invite you to take part with the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee, as we stay in Havana, and travel to a nearby province. We work with the Hatuey Project to deliver essential medicines for Cuban children, to help with resources their dedicated doctors and nurses need to provide life-saving care.

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Saluting the remarkable life of Bill Camp

Long-time Cuban solidarity activist Bill Camp, most widely known as the spokesperson of the NNOC member organization Building Relations with Cuban Labor, has died. We salute his activism, and extend condolences to his family. Bill Camp, ¡Presente!

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Victory for Venezuela: Alex Saab is free!

Nicolas Maduro welcomes Alex Saab back to Venezuela

After three and a half years in U.S. detention for attempting to procure food, fuel and medicine for Venezuela, Venezuelan diplomat Alex Saab is free and has returned to Venezuela. A government statement declared that his freedom “… is a triumph for the Bolivarian peace diplomacy and the solidarity expressed from around the world.”

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The blockade violates the right to life, health, education and well-being of all Cubans

Statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, in the presentation of Draft Resolution A/RES/78/l.5 entitled “Need to end the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.” to the United Nations General Assembly, New York, November 2, 2023. Immediately following this presentation, the UNGA voted 187-2-1 for the 31st consecutive time to condemn the U.S. blockade, with only the U.S. and Israel voting “no” and Ukraine abstaining.

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The Significance of the Cuban 5 a Quarter of a Century since their Arrest

The Cuban Five were released not because the US somehow had a change of heart but rather through popular struggle. It was because of the unbendable bravery of the Cuban Five in deplorable US prisons, It was because of the relentless determination of their families who travelled the world as active agents in the battle for their freedom, it was because of the unwavering support of the Cuban people through all those years and it was also because of the strength of a worldwide solidarity movement that kept growing calling for their release.

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Washington Post Opinion: Next pandemic, let Cuba vaccinate the world

Cuba exported almost as many COVID vaccine doses as it used at home, supplying Venezuela, Mexico, Vietnam, Syria, Nicaragua, Belarus and Iran. But while many countries in Africa and South Asia also desperately needed vaccines, they did not take advantage of Cuba’s offer. The reason — the U.S. blockade, and particularly the bogus designation of Cuba as a “State Sponsor of Terrorism”. The Blockade is not just hurting Cuba. It’s hurting the world.

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