U.S. Diplomats Under Attack? “First, it was sonic weapons, now microwave. What’s next, kryptonite?”

U.S. government officials and media have repeatedly used the word “attacks” to describe symptoms experienced by some of its employees at its Embassy in Havana. To date there is no evidence to support the use of that term. There is no clear evidence that anything even happened to those employees, much less how it happened or who was responsible. The entire affair has been used as a provocation to justify the rupture of U.S.-Cuba relations.

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Cuban president In NYC: ‘Cuba’s foreign policy is solidarity’

More than 2,100 people packed and overflowed New York City’s historic Riverside Church on Sept. 26 to warmly greet Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez in his first visit to the U.S. as President of the Republic of Cuba. In a surprise appearance, Nicolás Maduro Moros, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, joined Díaz-Canel at the podium.

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