Webinar: Cuban and U.S. Voices Challenging Washington’s War on Cuba

On Sept. 19, a webinar featuring voices from Cuba and the U.S. was held. You can view the webinar in its entirety below. The event was sponsored by the ANSWER Coalition, the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee, the Bay Area Saving Lives Campaign, the and Venceremos Brigade – Bay Area.
Speakers in the order they appear in the video are:
David Paul, former Venezuelan Embassy protector representing the Bay Area Saving Lives Campaign, spoke to the history, scope and effects of the U.S. blockade on the people of Cuba.
Attorney Soffiyah Elijah spoke about the incredible hypocrisy of the U.S. government, with its absolutely horrendous treatment of prisoners, increasing sanctions on Cuba based on alleged human rights violations in its prisons.
Pedro De La Hoz, the Vice President of UNEAC, the Cuban Union of Writers and Artists, spoke about Cuba’s deepening process to combat racism, the ongoing work to resolve objective and subjective conditions of inequality, and the overwhelming urgency to end the U.S. blockade.
Obi Egbuna Jr. from the Get Out of Cuba’s Way Campaign spoke about what that campaign is doing.
Abel Prieto, the President of Casa de las Américas and the long-time former Minister of Culture, spoke about the U.S. cultural war and subversion against Cuba.
Gloria La Riva of the ANSWER Coalition and the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee spoke about Cuba’s achievements dealing with the pandemic as well as the continued attempts from the U.S. at subversion and regime change, and shared slides of her just-concluded trip to Cuba.
Watch the webinar here: