Andrés Gómez: The beginning of the end of the Cuban Adjustment Act
The majority of Cubans who live in the United States were born in Cuba. The majority does not support the right-wing’s policy of hostility against the Cuban people.
Read moreCuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee
Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee
The majority of Cubans who live in the United States were born in Cuba. The majority does not support the right-wing’s policy of hostility against the Cuban people.
Read moreThis aggressive relic of the Cold War remains in force today, despite being condemned every year at the UN by the international community, even after Havana and Washington opened a new chapter in their bilateral relations December 17, 2014.
Read moreFull text of speech by Cuban President Raúl Castro Ruz, to the National Assembly of People’s Power, December 29, 2015.
Read moreA year has passed since the Cuban Five returned home and were reunited with their families and friends. Granma spoke to them about what this year has meant.
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