First Secretary of the Cuban Embassy Miguel Fraga Visits San Francisco

ANSWER, BALASC and Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee hosted Cuban Embassy First Secretary Miguel Fraga in San Francisco on March 12. He gave a powerful presentation with slides on the current state of affairs. The takeaway is the US blockade still exists, growing majority of US people want normal relations, the polls show growing positive thinking on Cuba. Minister Christopher Muhammad of Nation of Islam moved the crowd with his praise of Cuba’s care for its people, its internationalism, as he denounced the rampant police abuse against Black and Latino youth. SF Board of Supervisors John Avalos proudly presented Fraga with a Proclamation signed by all 11 Supervisors, in support of real normalized relations with Cuba, an end to the blockade, the right to travel, and more! Great spirit and discussion followed. There is much for the people of the United States to do to demand Washington end the blockade, allow us to travel to Cuba freely and return Guantánamo to Cuba.
Here are the slides which accompanied Secretary Fraga’s talk:
Some reminders of a great evening:

Speakers at the event, from L to R: Gloria La Riva of the Cuba and Venezuela Solidarity Committee, Miguel Fraga, San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos, and Nation of Islam Minister Christopher Muhammed.

San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos presents Miguel Fraga with the resolution adopted by the SF Board of Supervisors