Declaration of the Cuban Chapter of the Network in Defense of Humanity on Events in Venezuela

EDHRegarding recent events in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela the Cuban Chapter of the Network of intellectuals, Artists and Social movements In Defense of Humanity declares its position:

We feel as ours the future of the Bolivarian Revolution and the Venezuelan people who are protagonists, faithful to the ideas of Marti “Tell me Venezuela, how can I serve her: she has in me a son”.

Chavism, as a collective body and historical subject of a radical social transformation is able to overcome the adverse situation of the results of December 6. She will overcome this situation and will become victorious as a national emancipating force and of Our America. This is the only alternative to neo liberal capitalism that today rules in the world. Venezuelan comrades continue in your battle and defend firmly the social conquests of the revolutionary process always led by the ideas of Comandante Hugo Chávez Frías who placed Venezuela and Latin America and the Caribbean in the highest place of honor of dignity.

We denounce the imperialist attack against Venezuela and went so far as to call her by executive decree – still in force – as a danger for the national security of the United States. Also the hoarding, speculation and shortages that, as part of the constant economic war, submitted the Venezuelan people to a continued uncertainty, psychological pressure and oppression.

We reject the media terrorist siege of the Bolivarian Revolution and its leaders; the use of lies; the campaigns of misinformation and discredit sustained for years by the monopoly that controls mass media in the world.

We consider that this hostility created a totally asymmetric situation in which the Gran Polo Patriótico could confront the past elections. It denied with a brush stroke the right of electors to express freely, inhibited by the overwhelming acts of aggression, falsehoods and ideological subversion in daily life.

We express the firm conviction that in Venezuela unity will prevail to save the Homeland and the historical project will triumph and open a new era in this part of the world. It made reality the proposal of the Liberator Simón Bolívar to give most joy possible to our peoples and establish unity and integration of the nations south of the Río Bravo. The battle for the construction of a new society is just beginning.

Havana, December 10, 2015